Discover Polar Air downloads to find our latest catalogues, datasheets, revit drawings and manuals. Can’t find the Polar Air material you are looking for?
Catalogues & Quick References
What will you find?
- Technical Catalogues: In depth information on our product range, including features, specifications and applications.
- Quick Reference Guide: A handy guide for a quick view of our product portfolio, certifications and capacities.

Product Datasheets
What will you find?
- Product Datasheets: If you know the product you want, please refer to these individual datasheets for each of our products. They include technical information like features, specifications and applications.

Guide Specifications
What will you find?
- Guide Specifications: These are HVAC guides on product components and configurations, quality and certifications, plus delivery, storage, handling and maintenance information.

Revit Drawings
What will you find?
- Revit Drawings: 3D models for engineers and architects for our product portfolio. They can help on the design and documentation required for building information modeling (BIM).

Please note that these files are available only for logged in users. Simply select your range below and login using the pop up.
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- PHW Highwall 2-pipe
- PHW Highwall 4-pipe
- PCGH 4 Way Cassette 2-pipe
- PCGH 4 Way Cassette 4-pipe
- PCSL 1 Way Cassette 2-pipe
- PDWSL Slim Ducted 2-pipe
- PDWSL Slim Ducted 4-pipe
- PDWA Medium ESP Ducted 2-pipe
- PDWA Medium ESP Ducted 4-pipe
- PDWC High ESP Ducted 2-pipe
- PDWC High ESP Ducted 4-pipe
- PFWB(C) Universal Console CASED 2-pipe
- PFWB(C) Universal Console CASED 4-pipe
- PFWB(C) Universal Console UNCASED 2-pipe
- PFWB(C) Universal Console UNCASED 4-pipe
- PFWSL(A) Slim Console CASED 2-pipe
- PFWSL(A) Slim Console CASED 4-pipe
- PFWSL(A) Slim Console UNCASED 2-pipe
- PFWSL(A) Slim Console UNCASED 4-pipe
- PDWD Double Skin High ESP Ducted 2-pipe
- PDWD Double Skin High ESP Ducted 4-pipe
- HAHU EC Motor Horizontal Mini AHU 2-pipe
- HAHU EC Motor Horizontal Mini AHU 4-pipe
- HAHU AC Motor Horizontal Mini AHU 2-pipe
- HAHU AC Motor Horizontal Mini AHU 4-pipe
- VAHU Vertical Mini AHU 2-pipe
- VAHU Vertical Mini AHU 4-pipe
Technical Manuals
What will you find?
- Technical Manuals: Also called IOM (Installation & Operation Manuals). These provide detailed information on the certification, installation, maintenance, operation and programming of Polar Air fan coil products.

Please note that these files are available only for logged in users. Simply select your range below and login using the pop up.
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- Technical IOM Manual: PHW Highwall (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PHW Highwall (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PCGH-3R 4 Way Cassette (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PCGH-3R 4 Way Cassette (AC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PCSL 1 Way Slim Cassette (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PCGH-3R 4 Way Cassette (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PCSL 1 Way Slim Cassette (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWSL Slim ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWA Medium ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWA Medium ESP Ducted (AC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWC High ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWC High ESP Ducted (AC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWSL Slim ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWA Medium ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWC High ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PFWBC Universal Floorstanding/Console (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PFWBC Universal Floorstanding/Console (AC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PFWSL Slim Floorstanding/Console (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PFWBC Universal Floorstanding/Console (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PFWSL Slim Floorstanding/Console (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWD Double Skin High ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: HAHU Horizontal Mini Air Handling Unit (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: VAHU Horizontal Mini Air Handling Unit (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: PDWD Double Skin High ESP Ducted (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: HAHU Horizontal Mini Air Handling Unit (EC Motor)
- Technical IOM Manual: VAHU Horizontal Mini Air Handling Unit (EC Motor)
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